Aestar – Fraudulent Transfer

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate titles.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.

Though it is easy enough to transfer your house to your spouse, certain circumstances make your transferring title to your spouse fraudulent transfer. If you are transferring the real property to your spouse to avoid creditors, you have fraudulent transfer. The fraudulent transfer can be undone. For instance, if you are being sued in a personal injury lawsuit and you transfer title to your house to your spouse, a court can undo that transfer and allow the plaintiffs to collect judgment from your home. On the other hand, if you often encounter the personal liability for your professionalism, such as doctors, you may transfer the title your spouse to defend yourself against lawsuit. Your transfer is considered valid. Contact your local real estate attorney for help with such situations.

Contact me should you have further questions.

Jonathan Kan, Licensed Title Producer/Notary Public
Aestar LLC
15881-B Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855
C: 240-351-6098 F: 888-501-3060 E: [email protected]
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This column is not legal advice and should not be acted upon without obtaining your own legal counsel.
Copyright©2014-2016 Aestar LLC All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Jonathan D. Kan, ESQ. is admitted to practice before the Court of Appeals of Maryland in 2017. Mr. Kan graduated as a Juris Doctor of University of Baltimore School of Law, Maryland, in 2017, concentrating on criminal, trust and estate, and real estate laws. Mr. Kan has published the Aestar Blog since 2015. He co-founded Aestar LLC in 2013. Mr. Kan has been a licensed title producer, settlement agent, and notary public serving the Maryland and Virginia states since 2013.

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