
Aestar – 5/5 How a Mother transfer a real estate title to two children upon death?

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate titles.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.

Aestar – 4/5 How a Mother transfers a real estate title to two children upon death?

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate titles.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.

Aestar 凯达过户 – 4/5母亲如何在死后自动转让房子给两个孩子呢?


凯达过户公司是个超绝的产权公司 。凯达免费提供房地产专业知识来保障买卖双方的权益。

要把这俩个孩子的名份合法的加入母亲的房地契(deed), 这位母亲必须签署一份新的房地契把母亲的房地产权 (title) 从母亲一人转让给母亲和两个孩子,一共三人。新的房地契一定要公证 (Notarize) 之后在当地法院登记盖官印才能合法有效。父母,配偶,子女和继子女之间以及孙儿女转让免征马里兰州房地产权转让税 (transfer tax)。通常,如果母亲都付清每年的房地产土地税(real estate property tax) 的话,唯一的开销是法院的手续费,大约是$25到 $55美元左右。否则,法院是不会批准新的房地契的。


Aestar Settlements LLC

Aestar简富美 产权保险过户专员/公证人
15881-B Crabbs Branch Way,

Aestar – 3/5 How a Mother transfers a real estate title to two children upon death?

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate titles.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.