
Aestar – 3/5 How a Mother transfers a real estate title to two children upon death?

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate titles.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.

Aestar – Why pay state transfer recordation tax to give children houses?

Aestar LLC supervises the sale transactions, verifies legal documents, and insures real estate rights.

Aestar LLC is a different title company. Aestar offers knowledge to protect consumers: buyers and sellers.

Aestar 凯达过户 – 父母送房子給孩子,為什麼要付馬州的房地產權转让税?


凯达过户公司是个超绝的产权公司 。凯达免费提供房地产专业知识来保障买卖双方的权益。

转让房地产就像购买房地产一样,马州的房地产权转让税是一定要付的。但是,如果父母送给(即转移)一栋没有房贷或任何房债的房子给孩子,这种给孩子的礼物是免除房地产权转让税的。有一点例外,仔细得再叮咛你一次,如果父母再贷款 (refinance) 而提高了贷款本金 (principal),同时想顺便把孩子的名字加入房地契 (deed),即使父母没有收到买卖交易现金,房地产权转让税还是要付的。这是因为事实上,孩子接受了父母亲的房子也同时接管并负起月付房贷的责任。换句话说,孩子其实是在“买”房子。在这种情况下,转移(给予)房子涉及新的金钱交易,马州的房地产权转让税是一定要付的。


Aestar Settlements LLC
Aestar简富美 产权保险过户专员/公证人
15881-B Crabbs Branch Way,